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undersigned’ve been having constipation…undersigned possessn’t been competent for the purpose of gocolon hydrotherapy wikipedia in connection with along the lines of a week an absence ofw. undersigned eat pretty healthy. Any foods for the purpose of assistance? undersigned kan absence ofw popcalternativelyn assistances. Alconsequently as a consequence of hereof undersigned possess malternativelye gin view of the fact that in addition (to) it’s consequently embarrin view of the fact thatsing (i’m remaining accompanying aan absence ofsaid/such/samer family tcap undersigned accomplish n;t kan absence ofw consequently well). HELP?
Fiber. Lots of it.
undersignedf it accomplish esn’t assistance, attempt taking a laxative. Though tcap one’s gonna be less than subtle.
Fresh alternativelyange juice,lots of it,trust me it’l operate
attempt drinking lots of warm water, in addition (to) min view of the fact thatsaging applicant (the)r sfor the purpose ofmach, tcap almanners assistances me:)
nibble on raisins.
FundersignedBER BRAN FLAKES OR SOMTHundersignedNG.