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kellogg colonic machine

» Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment » kellogg colonic machine
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kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine

Kellogg colonic machine what it?

What is a colon cleanse?-Colon cleansing, also known as colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy, involves flushing the colon with fluids to remove waste. It’s a practice that’s been around since ancient times, and the benefits are based on the premise that digestive waste can be a toxin to the body.

Generally, a professional called a colonic hygienist performs the colon cleanse while you rest on a table. It involves sending approximately 60 liters of fluid through a tube into the rectum. Toxins are then expelled through a different tube, and the process is repeated.

You can find at-home colon irrigation products online or in your local drug store.

Kellogg colonic machine, with a mineralizing and filtering device, tap water will be mineralized and filtered in to micromolecule active water, which can add microelement into water that human body needs. After filtering, the mineral water will be heated into 37℃ with a heating device. Then the water will be infused into human’s colon with a attached hydrotherapy head. The water will attenuation and dissolve the waste in the colon. Meanwhile the water will stimulate the intestinal tract to wriggle and the waste mixture will be excreted out of body.
The client generally lies down on the hydrotherapy bed and the filtered constant temperature water is pumped through the rectum via a tube. Fluids and waste are expelled through another tube. A large volume of fluid, up to 60 litres would be introduced into the colon via the rectum. The procedure may be repeated several times.
It can create ecological balance in the human body. The natural and ecological feature is a new type of treatment which consists of therapy, recovery and good health.

kellogg colonic machine

colonic irrigation device

colonic hydrotherapy machine cost

Kellogg colonic machine what it Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment Colon Cleansing Machine, also known as colonic irrigation, is often practiced as a form of alternative medicine. The procedure commonly involved the use of “Colonic Irrigation Systems” , which are medical devices originally intended for bowel preparation before radiological or endoscopic procedures. ♦ When using the machine, client lies down on the hydrotherapy bed relaxed and the filtered constant temperature water will be pumped through the rectum via a tube. Fluids and waste are expelled through another tube.

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How to Do a Kellogg colonic machine?

First and foremost, bear in mind that the single best way to detox and cleanse the colon is by removing harmful substances in your diet and eating nutrient-dense, real foods. Packaged foods, fast foods, processed snacks and artificial ingredients (high fructose syrups, hydrogenated oils, dangerous food dyes, fake seasonings, MSG or preservatives) all make it harder for the digestive system to work properly and raise inflammation in the colon. The kinds of foods you want to eat for optimal colon health include:

fermented foods that contain probiotics (yogurt, cultured veggies like kimchi or sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha)
high-fiber foods like seeds, leafy greens and other fresh veggies
fresh fruit (especially berries, or apples and pears, which contain pectin fiber)
bone broth
healthy fats like coconut or extra virgin olive oil, plus avocados (very high in electrolytes and fiber)
veggie-based soups, smoothies and salads are high in fiber and water, plus easy to digest

If having a colonic done:

Colonics should always be done under the supervision of a qualified professional who’s licensed and trained. It’s important to follow directions and instructions carefully and to ensure all equiptment is completely sanitary. Colonics aren’t usually recommended for pregnant women or children or people with kidney problems or bad hemorrhoids.

What can you expect when getting a colonic? This type of Kellogg colonic machine shouldn’t cause pain or feel overly uncomfortable because the practitioner will likely use a lubricant to help insert the device into the rectum. Likely, you’ll feel some pressure during the process and need several hours to feel back to normal once it’s done.

If using an enema:

To perform an enema (whether it’s a coffee enema, one with apple cider vinegar or another formula) you need to first purchase a kit, which comes with an insert of some kind and a bag or bucket to hold the liquid. The part that you insert into your rectum is attached to a clamp that controls the release of whichever kind of liquid you use from the bag or bucket. If you’re willing to spend more money, you’ll get a better quality product that has a clasp, which is more capable of stopping and controlling the release of the liquid.

If you plan to perform enemas somewhat regularly, you can purchase a reusable kit instead of a one-time bottle. Some find that buying an enema kit that includes a bucket is a bit easier to use, since a bag requires that you hang it from somewhere elevated, such as a towel rack in your bathroom. Many people find that buckets are also easier to clean than bags, although kits with buckets can cost a bit more (anywhere from $10–$60 depending on the kind).

Stainless steel buckets are preferred by many over plastic buckets or bags since they’re sanitary and can be reused, but a bag is a good, inexpensive option if you plan to throw it away after performing the enema or if you’re traveling.

Once you have your materials sanitized, gathered and you’re prepared, follow this step-by-step guide to perform a homemade enema at home safely:

kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine

Prepare your liquid, whether it’s coffee, a premade solution or filtered water. Filtered water is highly recommended by most experts and might offer fewer risks than tap water (which contain traces of minerals or chemicals). If you’re using a warm liquid like coffee, let the mixture cool down to a little warmer than room temperature.
Choose a location that’s comfortable where you can lie down for about 15 minutes. The bathroom is a popular choice since it’s easiest to be close to a toilet. Keep extra towels and cleaning products on hand to clean up if need be.
Take your enema kit and place the bucket or bag at least one meter above you and the ground so it has the force of gravity to push out the liquid. Pour your liquid into the enema bag or bucket, and hold the tube and nozzle shut.
Locate the lever on the tube and nozzle that helps you stop and start the flow of the enema. Use a lubricant such as coconut oil to coat the tip of the enema nozzle, and then lay down on your right side in fetal position and insert the nozzle into your rectum. Try to insert it about one inch inside.
Use the valve that helps you start the flow of the liquid, slowly releasing the liquid into your rectum through the nozzle. Sit however you are most comfortable for about 15–30 minutes, holding it in until you’re ready to use the bathroom.


How to use the Kellogg colonic machine?

The Patient/Client undresses from the waist down and is properly draped during session. A small colon cleansing nozzle is gently and easily inserted in privacy. Colon cleansing nozzle are ‘size of a pencil’, single use, and disposed of after use.
Kellogg colonic machinebar2
Water flows through a Carbon Filter which removes any sediment, rust, or chlorine. The water is purified by an Ultra Violet Purification System, before it passes through the colon cleansing nozzle. Water flows gently into the rectum and waste releases naturally.

A gentle slow rate of UV purified-temperature safe water is fed from the gravity-fed Column. Less than TEN gallons of water may be used during the session at a safe temperature of 98 F. to 102 F. (36.8ºC to 38.ºC) (Water temperature is safely controlled and adjusted). An Odor Exhaust System insures that the session room and entire center remains odor free. (Odor System is included with the purchase of the Kellogg colonic machine Device)

Kellogg colonic machine base (table) has over three feet of clear viewing tube, which allows the patient/client and the therapist to easily view (without any odor) the waste during releases.

A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse bottom after session. Sessions last approximately 45 minutes. Modesty is protected at all times.

A trained colon hydro therapist is always nearby to monitor and provide patient/client assistance and comfort as needed.

After each session the Kellogg colonic machine is easily and safely disinfected.

kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine

Indications for Colonics–Who can benefit from colonic irrigation?

Constipation is one of the major reasons people pursue this form of treatment. I will discuss this problem later in this article. Colon problems such as colitis, ileitis and diverticulitis affect conservatively two million people in this country. These problems can be directly addressed by colonic therapy.
Anyone who suffers from bloating, abdominal distention, gas pains, stomach aches, or someone who gets filled very quickly after eating and can only eat small amounts of food may be a candidate for colonic irrigation.
In our clinic we find that people with all kinds of skin problems, i.e., acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc., usually can benefit from a therapeutic course of colonic irrigations. The skin is the largest excretory organ in the body, the skin may act as a major excretory organ. Unhealthy skin is usually a sign of an unhealthy colon and no amount of antibiotics or skin creams or medications will alleviate the problems until the cause of the problem is addressed. In addition, vitamin A plays an important role in skin health. When the colon is adequately cleansed, vitamin A can be more effectively absorbed through the intestinal tract.
I have found that arthritis patients may be helped tremendously with a series of colonic treatments. This may be due in part to the fact that arthritis patients suffer from some form of internal toxemia whereby toxins are continually being absorbed into their systems (i.e. the colon) causing further inflammation and aggravation of their joints.
A third group of patients who may benefit greatly from colonic irrigations are cancer patients. We know that cancer patients have a tremendous problem breaking down and assimilating proteins. But they may also be extremely deficient in many vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. They may also suffer from constipation and other varied digestive disorders. Colon irrigations may help greatly in enhancing their ability to absorb these various macro and micronutrients.
In addition, it very important that a cancer patient eliminate efficiently and effectively all internal toxins. This is especially true in the case of a cancer patient who is on an integrated metabolic program. When on such a program, the cancerous tumor may start breaking down resulting in the release of cancer cells and various toxins throughout the body. Colonics may perform a very important function in helping to expel these toxins from the body. Dr. Max Gerson described a comparable situation when he first started treating cancer patients with an intensive dietary approach. He stated that he lost a number of cancer patients because of toxemia. They literally died from their own internal pollution. As their cancerous tumors were being broken down they were unable to eliminate these toxic products effectively or efficiently with dire results as a consequence.
However, it is very important that a cancer patient be under competent medical supervision. One would not want to administer these colonic treatments to a patient who was too weak, whereby the colonic irrigations may weaken them further. In addition, colonics would be contraindicated in a patient with a tumor in the rectum or large intestine. Also, colonics would be temporarily contraindicated in any patient whose intestinal tract is too acidic. When the mucous membranes in the colon become to irritated or friable, the colonics may be too harsh a treatment. The patient should be put on a metabolic program to reduce the patient’s acid state before beginning the colonic treatments. At our clinic, we do a special testing to test the body pH (i.e. urine and saliva) before making specific recommendations about colonic irrigations.

kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine

Who need Kellogg colonic machine?

As a colon hydrotherapist you will develop a well-rounded awareness and expertise as a digestive consultant.Medical Doctors (MD’s, ND’s) Chiropractors, Nurses, Licensed Acupuncturists, Osteopaths, professionals involved in colonoscopy procedures, pre-endoscopy preparation.

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kellogg colonic machine kellogg colonic machine


Item NameData
Frequency50Hz±1 Hz
Running Environment/
Environment Temperature10℃~ 40℃
Relative Humidity30%~75%
Barometric Pressure860hPa~1060hPa
Continuous Running Time8 hours
Total power≤1600w
Liquid Flow≥2L/min
Water Temperature Range10~40℃±2℃
Time Range0-any data(S)
Filtered Water Accuracy1um
Machine Noise




How to Installation & Operation MAIKONG colon hydrotherapy machine



Colon Hydrotherapy Machine Configuration Parameter List

Colon Hydrotherapy Machine Configuration Parameter List
ItemProduct nameSizeQuantitySpecificationPhoto
1Colon Hydrotherapy Machine High-end chassispcs1The shell is made of ABS plastic plate, which is resistant to chemical corrosion, heat resistance, high elasticity and toughness. The surface is hard, glossy, easy to clean, and the overall appearance is elegant and practical.Colon Cleanse Machine Photo
2Peristaltic PumpsB08B1Adopt Saint-Gobain imported BPT pump tube, non-cytotoxic and hemolytic, resistant to ozone and UV rays, heat-resistant, ozone-resistant, acid-alkali-resistant, anti-aging and anti-oxidation, long life, operating temperature range -51℃~132℃, high-quality motor, stable "core", stable output, low noise, long life, liquid only contacts the pumpPeristaltic Pumps
3LCD Display21inch1The customized high-definition LED display has high brightness, high contrast, high grayscale and high refresh rate. The display is stable, ripple-free and flicker-free, and the display effect is real and natural.LCD Display
4Operation LCD Display15inch1It uses a 15-inch high-definition touch screen, which has the advantages of simple operation, strong functionality, stable touch, and sensitive touch. Intestinal pressure value, perfusion fluid value, perfusion time, real-time displayOperation LCD Display
5Heating water tankSet1Sterile water tank (lightweight, beautiful appearance). Built-in heater, safe. Good water quality, no leakage, prevent pollution. Good sealing, no dirt, easy to cleanHeating water tank
6ControllerPCS1Special packageController
7Water PurifierPCS1Imported 304 stainless steel. Five-layer filtration, four-layer mineralization. High filtration accuracy, long service life. Relatively durable, strong water pressure resistance. Stronger resistance to dirt, corrosion and pollutionWater Purifier
8Connect soft pipepcs2Made of PVC, it is corrosion-resistant, acid-resistant, and alkali-resistant, with high transparency and smooth inner wall, which is not easy to accumulate dirt and affect fluid transportation.Connect soft pipe
9Measuring cuppcs1The glass cup is non-toxic, odorless, highly transparent, has good barrier properties, is airtight, and has the advantages of heat resistance, pressure resistance, and cleaning resistance. It can be sterilized at high temperatures and stored at low temperatures. It has a large capacity of 500ml.Measuring cup
10Shower three piece setset1The green and environmentally friendly SUS304 stainless steel faucet (Zecheng-9313 customized model) is used, which is safe, corrosion-resistant, non-fading, and resistant to strong acids and alkalis (laboratory international standards). This product complies with the GB/T 18145-2014 standard.Shower three piece set
11Explosion-proof hose1.5m1Adopt SUS304 stainless steel hose, customized style, with good corrosion resistance and heat resistanceExplosion-proof hose
12Sewage pipePCS1It uses a new PVC masterbatch, which is not easy to age and harden, has good bending performance, spiral plastic reinforcement ribs, is integrally formed, does not deform under positive pressure, and does not flatten under negative pressure. The inner wall is smooth and no stains are left when draining.Sewage pipe
13Power linePCS1Special ODM Power linePower line
14Drain1m1Medical silicone tubes are made of high-grade imported silicone raw materials and two-component (A/B) addition curing agent for instant curing, with high room temperature curing agent as an auxiliary. The silicone tube is completely non-toxic and odorless, and has high transparency, which is better than traditional medicalDrain
15Backrestpcs1Soft, tough, wear-resistant, smooth overall lines, ergonomic designBackrest
16Hose clamppcs2Made of 304 stainless steel, it has high rust resistance, high temperature resistance, and good corrosion resistance to alkaline solutions and most organic and inorganic acids.Hose clamp
17User manualpcs1Colon hydrotherapy user manualUser manual
18Product delivery service acceptance formpcs1Product CertificateProduct delivery service acceptance form
19Camerapcs1The customized camera is equipped with a million-dollar high-definition camera card, which features high saturation, automatic fixed-point focus, white balance correction, custom dead-point coordinate correction, ISP image processing acceleration, 3D noise reduction, and frame rate adjustment, allowing customers to more intuitively see the waste toxins excreted from the intestines.Camera
20Light Strippcs1High-quality LED lens light source, evenly refracts light, bright and naturalLight Strip
21Angle valvePCS1Made of 304 stainless steel, all-copper thickened, wear-resistant, explosion-proof, rust-proof and corrosion-resistant.Angle valve
22Rectum tube soft siliconePCS1Rectum tube soft silicone disposable consumable products.Rectum tube soft silicone
23disposable shorts nonwovenPCS1disposable shorts nonwoven disposable consumable products.disposable shorts nonwoven
24hydrotherapy bed sheet nonwovenPCS1hydrotherapy bed sheet nonwoven disposable consumable products.hydrotherapy bed sheet nonwoven
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MAIKONG - leading global Professional Colonic Machine Supplier, offering competitive prices and excellent quality. If you have any questions regarding Colonic Machine please feel free to contact us.

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