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Hydro Colon Therapy Machine for sale

Hydro Colon Therapy Machine for sale

What is a colonic colonic hydrotherapy machine? Hydrocolonic machines, also known as colonic cleanses or colonic douches, are often practiced as a form of alternative medicine. The stated purpose of the procedure is to remove toxins, lose weight, prevent disease, relieve constipation and promote general health and well-being. It is well known that such procedures usually involve the use of …

hydro colon therapy machine for sale

hydro colon therapy machine for sale

What is Hydro colon therapy machine? Hydro colon therapy machine, with a mineralizing and filtering device, tap water will be mineralized and filtered in to micromolecule active water, which can add microelement into water that human body needs. After filtering, the mineral water will be heated into 37℃ with a heating device. Then the water will be infused into human’s …

Hydro Colon Therapy Machine Price

Hydro Colon Therapy Machine Price Here Quick Way to Get

Hydro Colon Therapy Machine what it? Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment Colon Cleansing Machine, also known as colonic irrigation, is often practiced as a form of alternative medicine. The procedure commonly involved the use of “Colonic Irrigation Systems” , which are medical devices originally intended for bowel preparation before radiological or endoscopic procedures. ♦ When using the machine, client lies down on …

colonic therapy machine

colonic therapy machine

The Features of colonic therapy machine 1. With drawer and cabinet 2. Dependable and safe operation 3. Completely closed system 4. Built in disinfecting system 5. Water pressure regulator 6. Water Lines with connections 7. Pressure and temperature controlled with safety features 8. Accurate, adjustable temperature control and shut down valve   colonic therapy machine Indications: Difficulty in defecation, Constipation. …